Why it occurs and the selection of mucus, the women and what are the measures that should be adopted

Careful and considerate attitude to a woman to your health will prevent many problems, alert you to severe and negligible disturbance in its initial stage of development. Notice changes in the health of the woman can be the nature of the allocation of mucus genital, as well as the mucus is an indicator of pathological changes and the reason of the visit to the gynecologist.

types of allocations

Types of secretions of mucus in women

The vaginal mucus is inherent in all. This is a typical feature of a woman's body. Normally, the mucus different type of vagina, the norm, and has explained the source.

Normal allocation have these signs:

  1. Can be transparent, white or red color;
  2. Do not cause redness, itching or burning sensation;
  3. Has no smell;
  4. Have a small amount;
  5. Undergo asymptomatic – in the absence of temperature, pain and discomfort.

It should be noted that the norm – that is, when a small amount. Abundant selection should become a whistle of alarm to women.

Mucosa liquid in general – a sign that the normal functioning of appendices women. It is a standard of measure for any age group.

From 1 month of life, each representative of a weak half of mankind occur from the allocation of mucus that are caused by hormonal changes. In the first month of life, the mucus – the residual phenomenon of destruction of cards-the mother of hormones.

The maturity of their own sex hormones, the mucus appears again – many times, in a period of pubertatem.

As a general rule, the production of mucus crouches in the period of one year before the onset of menstruation. To 8 years of mucus that is similar to rice in broth with a fatty smell.

As only the menstrual cycle starts to be installed, the selection will be eventurum, its appearance changes. In the first half of the cycle, the mucus, as a rule, reasonable, and behold, the second phase of its consistency stay.

Accepted split the selection into an agreement with its type:

  1. White. The causes of its occurrence can be vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. Also observe its occurrence when the intake of oral contraceptives, when stagnant in the pelvic region, in the case of violation of the rules of personal hygiene, and also when a sedentary lifestyle;
  2. Transparent. Depending on the amount of hormones in the body, and also of the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their presence says about the functioning of the ovary. In the composition of such assignments include fragments of cells and transudate of the lymph, and microorganisms, the mucus of the cervical canal and the remains of the work of sebaceous and sweat breast;.
  3. Mucous membranes. Such assignment are not pathological, they still have color and smell. Otherwise, you will be asked to provide a comprehensive analysis and consult a doctor;
  4. Watery.

When development is normal, the selection, which do not require the intervention of a specialist, can be:

  1. Slim, in the form of a cream or kissel substance. It is inherent in the second phase of the cycle;
  2. Transparent selection, it is inherent in the phase before ovulation;
  3. The mucus with bloody streaks – inherent to the period after ovulation.
  4. Cream viscous clots – inherent before menstruation;
  5. White clots – when taking oral contraceptives;
  6. Pink ichor – lochia, inherent in the birth of the child;
  7. Cream highlight to the act of unprotected sex or when the use of a condom. Such assignment does not smell and does not cause itching.

The selection in the form of sludge in women: causes

The reasons for the occurrence of discharge can be set. Because one must distinguish between the allocation to say to your consistency, and also because of the smell and the color. So decided to distinguish between:

  1. Detect. Precede menstruation. However, it may be a sign of development of erosion or cervical cancer. Can be observed when adenomyosis or in the case of violation of the menstrual cycle. Snapshots of the allocation of blood can be carriers of abortion, early in the term, with the development of ectopic pregnancy;
  2. Foamy thick cheesy allocation can signal the presence of infections;
  3. Check with the smell indicate the development of pathogenic microorganisms, from beginners to decompose in the body. It is because of the process of the decomposition of nutrients released from the gases that make up the bad smell;
  4. The mucus a lubricant, before or after sex. Generally, when excited mama on the eve of the vagina produce in the active mode, the lubricant is the norm. If the check after sex smell (on the second day) – this can be the purification of the body of sperm, when the unprotected act. However, if such mucus bloody trace can be a evidence of the presence of erosion of the cervix. When you are prompted white , green, or yellow of assignments, after you have sexual intercourse in the period of up to one week after sex, is the testimony of the development of infection.

You should also know that the mucus – this is the norm when:

  • the first sexual contact;
  • the change of partner (a) sexual;
  • when sexually excited before contact, as well as when the act of unprotected sex.

May highlight beli:

  • if you have a strange object in the vagina;
  • when developed diabetes;
  • with the development of polyps;
  • if you have other formations for benign disease of the uterus;
  • with the development of a malignant process in the tube cavity.

It is worth mentioning that the process of cancerous in the womb, passes under transparent and aqueous check. The selection has an unpleasant odor, with a small mixture of blood.

Inflamed the endometrium, as well as the mucosa of the cervix may develop the allocation of mucus, liquid, watery consistency. When the surface of the gasket is dirty.

By that stand out the abundant clots of mucus in women

The mucus is produced in the cervix special gland. Generally, this type of production has the peculiar smell. Depending on the hormonal and ovarian cancer, and also the menstrual cycle varies, and the consistency of the assignments and of his character.

Abundant clots of mucus – a cause for worry, as it is a fact that confirms the presence of the vagina different types of micro-organisms. In parallel with the allocation of clots, can occur the pain, burning or itching.

Confirmed by numerous studies, that the rate of penetration of probation of pathogens in the microflora vagina the female is expressed by the presence of allocation abundant mucus. Such micro-organisms tend to rapid multiplication, respectively, each day the sensations may vary.

Quite frequent "guests" are:

  1. Mushrooms from a series of candida;
  2. gardnerelly.

His presence brings with it the development of pick up frequently and dysbiosis.

What to do when the secretions of mucus in women

It is very important to have attention to their health and pay attention to every detail. If you notice any of the assignments, different from normal, you should consult a specialist. Especially if the emergence of such assignments accompanied by symptoms.

treatment and prevention

Treatment and prevention

Therapy abundant secretions and vaginal mucus suggests a visit to a gynecologist, who, based on the study, will deliver a diagnosis.

Independent of the treatment, usually, good results does not take, so that you do not have integrity and systematic. More often this irresponsible approach leads to health problems, as well as the development of a series of complications.

In the treatment of infections most commonly include the activities of:

  1. Douching is. When they are using drugs or herbs rates;
  2. The use of trays special;
  3. The reception by the oral route of medicines, whose effect desired for the elimination of pathogens;
  4. The application of candles vaginal.

The medical examination implies the scan of four degrees of purity:

  1. The first degree involves the verification of the presence of pathogens, the reaction should be acid, the predominance of it in your vagina and lactobacillus, in the absence of pathogens;
  2. When the second measure, the number of leukocytes should be not more than 10, in this context, should be reduced the indicators of lactobacilli. Are present the germs if the acid reaction.

The first and the second degree – a sign that the health of the woman, confirming the absence of diseases.

The following two-degree – pathology:

  • In this phase, the environment becomes alkaline, can be identified in India -conditional agents, the level of white blood cells up to date;
  • The fourth degree, characterizes the abundance of leukocytes, paul. Sticks Dederleyna and lactobacillus completely absent.

Appropriate to contact a professional will stem the disease in the initial phase, and, therefore, get rid of the sexual organs of the inflammation in a short period of time.

Usually, timely, and competent, the therapy reduces from the sludge, and also eliminates the unpleasant symptoms.

The price of the mucus, released from the genitals of a woman – the norm, and part of a physiological process in the body.

Increasing their number, to change its consistency and smell – a cause of concern, requiring a consultation with a specialist. The first signs of the pathology, necessarily, should be regarded by the gynecologist.

It is important to have health care and to minimize the entry of microorganisms in the sexual organs – comply with the basic rules of personal hygiene, attending systematically to the gynecologist, identifying different pathology in the early stages. Held, when necessary, the systematic courses of therapy.